Author Guidelines

Submission types

UKAIRS invites researchers, students, and practitioners involved in ALL UKRI AI investments over the last 3 years  (not only hubs or CDTs) to submit the following types of contributions. The review process is covered in italics: 

  1. World Class Research Track (already published conference or journal paper): You will submit your peer-reviewed and published work (PDF + form).
    REVIEW: Assessment for thematic relevance 
  1. Emerging Research (2 pages): Research and early-stage research. You may propose a demo or a poster slot. You will submit a 2-page document for review. REVIEW: Peer review by a minimum of 2 reviewers 
  1. Engagement/Satellites/Panel suggestions for panel presentation to stimulate cross-community dialogue at the symposium. You will submit a 2-page document presenting the need for this engagement.
    REVIEW: Assessment for relevance and programme. 

Rather than prescribe thematic areas, we aim to develop thematic areas through a bottom-up approach that joins up parts of the community that do not currently share common platforms. Applicants should clearly state the thematic areas/keywords of relevance to their submission.

Registration Fees

At this point there is no plan to charge a registration fee.

Presenting your work

Papers. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to present their paper at UKAIRS (typically 10-15 min talk TBC).

Emerging Resesarch Submissions. Depending on the type of submission (demos, posters, papers, provocations), accepted submissions will be given a space or a speaking slot to present their work.

We strongly encourage authors to consider the accessibility of their papers and presentations, such as by including figure descriptions. Please consider the EPSRC guidance for neuro-inclusive meetings and events.  If you have any questions about creating accessible submissions, please contact us.